How Much Does An Outsource Bookkeeping Cost?

June 14, 2023
Kayn Ars
how much does an outsource bookkeeping cost?

Being an entrepreneur, an individual has many responsibilities to look forward to. As per the research, more than 50% of owners of small businesses have lesser knowledge of accounting and finances. As we all know that these are the crucial components of any business, so any owner needs to have proper knowledge about these factors to run their firm. In the United States, especially in municipal areas, the cost of in-house bookkeepers is much higher.

For small and startup businesses, outsourced bookkeeping is very beneficial as compared to in-house bookkeepers because these are business that doesn’t need a full-time in-house bookkeeper. The best approach for any company to flourish their bookkeeping needs is to hire outsource bookkeeping. Outsourced bookkeeping can provide all the necessary accounting and finance functions to any business in an ideal way.

Outsource bookkeeping cost services can vary significantly depending on a number of factors, including the size and complexity of a business, the type and amount of bookkeeping services a business needs, and the experience and expertise of the bookkeeper or bookkeeping firm a business choose.

How much does it cost to outsource bookkeeping?

In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1,500 per month for basic bookkeeping services, and up to $3,000 or more per month for more complex services such as financial statement preparation and analysis. you can also check Ceptrum Pricing 

What are the factors that can impact the cost of outsourcing bookkeeping?

Here are some of the factors that can impact the cost of outsourcing bookkeeping:

Frequency of services

Some bookkeepers charge by the hour, while others offer packages of services for a fixed monthly fee. But it also depends upon the frequency of the bookkeeping services a business needs (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly), this can also impact the cost.

Type of bookkeeping services

The types of bookkeeping services a business needs can also affect the cost. For example, if a company need help with payroll, budgeting, and financial analysis in addition to basic bookkeeping tasks, your business can expect to pay more.


The location of the bookkeeper or bookkeeping firm can also impact the cost. Rates for hiring outsourced bookkeeping may be higher in larger cities or regions with a higher cost of living.

Experience and Expertise of the Outsource Bookkeepers

The cost of outsourced bookkeeping services can also be affected by the experience and expertise of the bookkeeper. A highly skilled and experienced bookkeeper may charge more for their services than a less experienced bookkeeper.

Software and technology

The cost of outsourced bookkeeping services may also include the cost of any software or technology used to manage the company’s financial records.

Responsibilities of Outsourced Bookkeeper

Responsibilities of Outsourced Bookkeeper

Outsourced Bookkeeping Services

For any business that spends most of its time on in-house bookkeeping causes its other operations to be delayed and slowed. The best way is to shift in-house bookkeeping to outsource bookkeepers as it will help a business to get rid of bookkeeping services like payrolls, cash management, accounting and bookkeeping software, etc.

Account Payables and Account Receivables

These are the two outsourcing responsibilities to make sure that a business is paying and receiving its payment on time. It can also help a business to elude the responsibilities of processing checks and invoices if they use outsourcing bookkeeping.

Tax reporting and filing

The best way to have proper tax preparation without any accounting and financial errors is to outsource bookkeeping. Outsourced bookkeepers provide a range of tax services like tax support, tax collection, payments, and filing, etc.

Read More:

Bookkeeper Salary New York City – Ceptrum

Bookkeeper Salary, New Jersey – Ceptrum

Overall, it’s important to shop around and compare quotes from several bookkeeping firms or bookkeepers to find the best fit for your needs and budget. It may also be helpful to discuss your specific bookkeeping needs with a few different providers to get a better understanding of what services are included in their fees and how much you can expect to pay.

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