Specialized Hospitality Accounting &
Bookkeeping Solutions

Running a successful hotel in the hospitality industry demands meticulous financial management. Accurate hotel financial statements are not just numbers; they are your roadmap to profitability and informed decision-making. Yet, finding the right financial expertise can be challenging. Are you tired of encountering bookkeepers who claim to understand hotel financials but leave your books in disarray? Or perhaps you're facing the stress of staff turnover, leaving your weekly and monthly financial tasks in jeopardy?

Running a successful hotel in the hospitality industry demands meticulous financial management. Accurate hotel financial statements are not just numbers; they are your roadmap to profitability and informed decision-making. Yet, finding the right financial expertise can be challenging. Are you tired of encountering bookkeepers who claim to understand hotel financials but leave your books in disarray? Or perhaps you're facing the stress of staff turnover, leaving your weekly and monthly financial tasks in jeopardy?

hospitality accounting
hospitality accounting

Challenges We Address
in Hospitality Accounting

pie chart
Controller Turnover

Say goodbye to the anxiety of losing your controller. Our dedicated team of experts ensures that your financial tasks are consistently and accurately handled.

Late Financials

We understand that your General Manager has a lot on their plate. Our streamlined processes guarantee that your financial statements are never delayed.

Financial Uncertainty

No more screening calls from the bank or owners in fear of discussing your hotel's performance. Our services provide clarity and confidence

business details
Inaccurate Reporting

With us, you'll receive precise Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet Statements that empower you to make informed decisions.

CPA Compatibility

We bridge the gap between your hotel and your CPA, saving you time and frustration with seamless collaboration

Controller Turnover

Say goodbye to the anxiety of losing your controller. Our dedicated team of experts ensures that your financial tasks are consistently and accurately handled.

Late Financials

We understand that your General Manager has a lot on their plate. Our streamlined processes guarantee that your financial statements are never delayed.

Financial Uncertainty

No more screening calls from the bank or owners in fear of discussing your hotel's performance. Our services provide clarity and confidence

Inaccurate Reporting

With us, you'll receive precise Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet Statements that empower you to make informed decisions.

CPA Compatibility

We bridge the gap between your hotel and your CPA, saving you time and frustration with seamless collaboration

Ceptrum Client Portal

Our robust monthly bookkeeping services & Portal ensure that your hotel's financials are always in order, offering peace of mind and allowing you to focus on your core operations.

Our robust monthly bookkeeping services & Portal ensure that your hotel's financials are always in order, offering peace of mind and allowing you to focus on your core operations.

Daily Scorecard

Daily scorecards are sent to the business owner enlisting various aspects of a business including daily sales, ticket sales, labor sales, and more. Stay proactive with our real-time scorecard reporting which allows you to make informed adjustments to your business as you go.

outsourcing accounting for auto repair shops
reports via client portal

Instant Access to Reports

The Ceptrum client portal sorts and stores all financial reports in categories for easy access and searchability. Access your reports at any time anywhere through our mobile application or online desktop portal. Our portal stores all historical reports which you can generate and download with just the press of a button.

Monitor KPIs and metrics in real-time with our Dashboard

The Ceptrum dashboard allows executives to track their daily sales, ticket count, average RO, and more, all in real time. Dashboard visualizations make it easier to track and compare the performance of your business. The auto-refresh feature automatically updates graphs to give you the latest insights at the tips of your fingers.

bookkeeping for auto repair shops
outsourcing accounting for auto repair shops

Daily Scorecard

Daily scorecards are sent to the business owner enlisting various aspects of a business including daily sales, ticket sales, labor sales, and more. Stay proactive with our real-time scorecard reporting which allows you to make informed adjustments to your business as you go.

reports via client portal

Instant Access to Reports

The Ceptrum client portal sorts and stores all financial reports in categories for easy access and searchability. Access your reports at any time anywhere through our mobile application or online desktop portal. Our portal stores all historical reports which you can generate and download with just the press of a button

bookkeeping for auto repair shops

Monitor KPIs and metrics in real-time with our Dashboard

The Ceptrum dashboard allows executives to track their daily sales, ticket count, average RO, and more, all in real time. Dashboard visualizations make it easier to track and compare the performance of your business. The auto-refresh feature automatically updates graphs to give you the latest insights at the tips of your fingers.

Key Features of Our:

Daily Sale Automation

Integrate your hotel PMS to automatically fetch sales, receivables, and statistical data into our system.

Industry Standard Hotel Reporting

Access insightful financial reports and industry-specific statements.

client portal
KPI Dashboard

Stay in sync with all hotel operations, performance metrics, profit & loss, payables, and receivables through an intuitive dashboard.

client portal

Improve cash flow by tracking receivables and ensuring timely payments and Gain control over accounts payables to foster healthy vendor relationships.

Daily Sale Automation

Integrate your hotel PMS to automatically fetch sales, receivables, and statistical data into our system.

Industry Standard Hotel Reporting

Access insightful financial reports and industry-specific statements.

client portal
KPI Dashboard

Stay in sync with all hotel operations, performance metrics, profit & loss, payables, and receivables through an intuitive dashboard.

client portal

Improve cash flow by tracking receivables and ensuring timely payments and Gain control over accounts payables to foster healthy vendor relationships.


Our Enhanced Bookkeeping Packages with a 1-Month Free Trial

From basic bookkeeping to a full fledged multi-resource accounting department, Ceptrum has an option suited for your needs. As a result, we are equipped to support pre-revenue startups, mid-sized companies, and businesses with nine figure annual revenues. We price each service package individually and transparently to best fit your company's needs.

Hospitality Essential



as low as

  • Ideal for hoteliers with fewer than 50 rooms in a limited service property.

Hospitality Growth



as low as

  • Scalable package for hoteliers operating limited service properties with 50+ rooms.

Elevate Your Hospitality Business with Expert Bookkeeping!

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